Thraxas and the Oracle Read online

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  “I won’t be defenceless. Coranius, Ibella and I can muster a lot of sorcerous power. You’ll be with me. And Makri.”

  “I don’t like it either.” Makri shakes her head. “All it would take would be one well placed arrow when you were vulnerable.”

  “It’s very risky, leaving the army and trailing off through the countryside in a small group. You’re our War Leader. The West needs you.”

  Lisutaris doesn’t dismiss our concerns out of hand, but she won’t be swayed. “There might be some risk, but it’s small. No one apart from your unit and Hanama knows we’re going.”

  “I haven’t finished security checks on Hanama yet.”

  “I assure you she really is Hanama.”

  I’m unmoved. “I’ll be checking her anyway.”

  Lisutaris doesn’t object to me being thorough. “General Hemistos and Bishop-General Ritari have already complained about your staff bothering them with their security checks. I told them they had to put up with it. The same for Lord Kalith. Nonetheless, it really is Hanama.”

  “She might be an impostor.”

  “I know her much better than you realise, Thraxas.”

  “How? Through the Association of Gentlewomen?”

  “The membership of that organisation is unknown,” says Lisutaris, and moves the conversation on briskly. “The journey to the Oracle will take seven hours. We’ll be back in a day. I have to do it. If I didn’t consult the Oracle before going to war, it would damage morale in the Sorcerers Guild. As long as we keep it secret from Bishop-General Ritari and the rest of the religious fanatics, it will be fine.”

  Lisutaris sounds confident. For a woman who’s under a lot of pressure, she’s bearing up well. General opinion among the army so far is that she’s a good choice as War Leader.

  “Have the Abelasian sorcerers made any progress with their spells for identifying Deeziz?”

  Lisutaris shakes her head. “No. We’ve been gathering up everything we know about her. I even had Ibella Hailstorm delve into my own memories to see if there was anything I’d forgotten from our encounter in the Avenging Axe, and normally I’d rather not have anyone delving around in my memories, even a friend like Ibella. So far it hasn’t given us anything. They haven’t developed a spell to locate her. They’ll keep trying.”

  “Are we going to wait on the border for the Orcs or march right back to Turai?”

  “Were you trying to take me by surprise with that question?”


  “Then I’m surprised,” says Lisutaris. “But I can’t tell you. That’s a secret matter for my command council.”

  “Have you made a decision?”

  “I can’t tell you that either.” Our War Leader turns to her bodyguard. “Are you ready to resume your duties, Ensign Makri?”

  Makri nods. “I apologise for the temporary lapse. I won’t let See-ath bother me again.”

  “Good. We can’t let minor personal problems interfere with our work. I could have found Kublinos a distraction, but I brushed his attentions off without a second thought.”

  That’s something of an exaggeration. Kublinos the Samsarinan Harbour Sorcerer took a great shine to Lisutaris and I wouldn’t say she brushed his attentions off easily. I remember her hiding in a tavern, unable to cope with his wooing. Lisutaris and Makri depart. There’s a shouted command from one of the marshals responsible for getting the army moving, and our wagon rumbles forward. Droo hops aboard with a bottle of wine in her hand.

  “Look what I found!”

  She passes me the bottle. I drink deeply. I like Droo. She’s a good addition to the unit.

  Chapter Eight

  After two days of travelling, the rich farmlands of Samsarina still stretch out endlessly in front of us.

  “You know what I hate about Samsarina?”

  “What?” says Droo.

  “There’s too much farmland.”

  The young Elf laughs. “I don’t dislike it. But I’m used to more trees.”

  It’s not only the farmland that stretches out ahead. We’re following a long column of troops, steadily making their way north-east. Their passing raises a huge cloud of dust which drifts over the array of wagons bringing up the rear. Sitting with the reins in my hand, I have a light scarf tied over my face to keep the dust from my lungs, as does Droo, and most of the people towards the rear of the column. So far, we’ve advanced without incident. Ahead of the column, and flanking us in the distance, Lisutaris has sorcerers on patrol, protected by units from the Sorcerers Auxiliary Regiment. They’re there to give us advance warning of any trouble. We’re not expecting to meet Orcish forces just yet, but we can’t be too careful. Prince Amrag already surprised us by bringing dragons in winter to Turai, something that had never been done before. Samsarina should be out of range of his dragons, but his powerful sorcerers guild might have been working on ways of allowing them to travel further.

  Rinderan and Anumaris are in the back of the wagon. When the army stops marching, on one of its regular meal breaks, all four of us will resume our task of hunting for anything suspicious among our forces. If it sounds like a tenuous enterprise, it is. I haven’t come up with anything particularly brilliant. There again, neither have the sorcerers tasked with the same thing. Irith Victorious hasn’t invented any sort of spell that might help. So Lisutaris informs me, anyway. I haven’t seen Irith yet. I should, but I’m still wary of the encounter. It’s going to be uncomfortable.

  “What if Deeziz isn’t even here?” wonders Droo. “Maybe she decided to stay with the Orcs this time.”

  “Possible. But Lisutaris thought she caught a glimpse of Deeziz making her way west. Lisutaris is good at that sort of thing. I’d say there’s a strong chance Deeziz is somewhere in the midst of this army right now.”

  “What do you think she’s planning? Sabotage?”

  “Maybe. Though I can’t see the most powerful sorcerer in Orcish world wasting her time on petty acts of destruction. I suppose she could try working some devastating spell, but that would be difficult with so many human sorcerers around. Even if they don’t know what’s coming they’ve always got their dampening field in place. Makes it hard for any spell to take us unawares. Sorcerers do a lot of dampening. When it comes to battle, they’re a lot less exciting than you’d expect.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Each side tends to cancel out the other. They use a lot of power defending their own armies by preventing their opponents' spells from landing. Or preventing them being launched in the first place. It can end up as a war of attrition, with no one getting an advantage.”

  “So what happens then?”

  “It’s left to the regular soldiers hack each other to pieces. Last time there was a major invasion, our sorcerers managed to hold off their guild, but they had enough troops to make it all the way to the walls of Turai. They had dragons, which gives them an advantage. Turai would have fallen if the Elves hadn’t arrived.”

  “Why didn’t we save you this time?”

  “Because the Orcs attacked in winter. Damned uncivilised behaviour, when you think about it. War is mean to be a summer pursuit.”

  “Well, we’re here now,” says Droo, and looks happy about it.

  Droo is a cheerful young Elf. Sitting in this wagon, breathing in the dust of a huge army, is far removed from the life she’s used to, but she hasn’t complained about anything. It’s a point in her favour. Since I last encountered her, she seems to have become a lot more responsible. Perhaps I was a good influence. A trumpet sounds in the distance. It’s taken up by others. Time to eat, and rest. It’s just past midday and we’ll be halted for an hour or so. Rinderan and Anumaris both poke their heads through the canvas that separates the back of the wagon from the driver’s seat.

  “Any new instructions?” asks Anumaris.

  “Same as always. Look for anything strange.”

  Rinderan frowns. “Anything strange is so vague. We’re in the midst of a huge marching army.
It’s hard to know what’s strange and what isn’t.”

  “Just keep your eyes and ears open. If you come across something really strange, you’ll recognise it.”


  “I don’t know. Deeziz hasn’t sent us instructions on how to find her. Just wander around, talk to people and see what you can learn.”

  They depart together, Rinderan still unsatisfied. I clamber down from the pillion. “Where are we going?” asks Droo.

  “Wherever we can get a drink. Gurd and his cohort aren’t far away. If we’re lucky, Tanrose will be cooking.”

  “Will we get any investigating done there?”

  “As much as anywhere else. Let Rinderan and Anumaris wander around asking questions, they enjoy it.”

  We walk through a mass of soldiers. A few are spending their break sleeping, while others busy themselves making a quick meal, something at which seasoned campaigners are well-practiced. Tanrose has never been on a military campaign before, as far as I know, but she’s such a talented cook she can produce excellent meals in any circumstances.

  “Tanrose likes her food to be appreciated,” I tell Droo. “That’s why I eat so much of it. It helps her.”

  Gurd and a few other Turanian exiles are gathered round a small fire. Above the fire is a metal tripod, from which hangs a pot, the contents of which are simmering gently. Tanrose stands over it, adding spices.

  “Back already?” Gurd laughs. “Don’t they feed you in the security unit?”

  “Not as well as Tanrose feeds you. I’ve brought you a flagon of wine so stop hogging that stew and let a proper eater in for his share.”

  Gurd has not quite got over his chagrin at being placed in the Sorcerers Auxiliary Regiment. He’s none too pleased to find himself in one of the squadrons designated as protection for Lisutaris, and still hopes he’ll see more action. “It’s not going to be much of a war if we’re stuck at the back all the time, protecting sorcerers.”

  “We’ll see plenty of action. Lisutaris will end up in the thick of things. ”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “Because we’re not strong enough to beat the Orcs without her sorcery.”

  Tanrose is concerned. “I don’t like the thought of you coming so close to the Orcish sorcerers.”

  “Don’t worry. When these sorcerers are concentrating on their spells they’re quite susceptible to a swift thrust from a spear. Seen it happen plenty of times. We’ll be fine. As long as I’m good shape. You know, plenty of pies and that sort of thing.”

  “I’m sorry Thraxas, I can’t make a pie on this little campfire. I’d need some sort of oven.”

  I don’t try to hide my disappointment. “I’m fading away. By the time we meet the Orcs I’ll be a shadow of myself.”

  “I don’t think there’s much chance of that,” says Tanrose, eyeing my waistline.

  I settle down to eat a bowl of Tanrose’s stew. Talk of pies and ovens reminds me of a man called Erisox. Back in Turai, he made good batch in his portable oven while there were dragons attacking overhead. He did tell me a lot of lies when I was investigating him, but I forgave him because of his pies. Thinking of that case reminds of Turai’s highest official, Consul Kalius.

  “Has there been any news of the Consul? Or the Royal family?”

  None of the Turanians around Gurd’s campfire have heard anything. The general opinion is that our ageing, ailing King and his family probably perished, along with their senior officials. The palace and main institutions of government were all close to the northern walls where the Orcs broke through. By that time, Deputy Consul Cicerius was in effective control of the city. Cicerius was a better man that the Consul, but there’s been no news of him either. At this moment, Turai has no government. What will happen if we retake the city, no one knows.

  For a few moments there’s a peaceable atmosphere as everyone enjoys Tanrose’s cooking. It doesn’t last.

  “Where is this vagabond Captain Thraxas? Take me to him!”

  Whoever’s angry with Captain Thraxas has a strong Niojan accent. I look up to see Legate Apiroi storming towards me with the Anumaris and Rinderan trailing in his wake. The Legate, second-in-command to Bishop-General Ritari, is a large man with closely-cropped hair and a permanent scowl. He wears the austere black tunic of the Niojan officer class and carries a short sword in a scabbard at his waist.

  “Captain Thraxas!” he roars. “Are you responsible for this outrage?”

  I clamber to my feet. “Probably. What outrage are we talking about?”

  “The outrage of your lackeys daring to doubt me! It was bad enough when they demanded details of my past movements. An impertinent request to which I’d have given short shift had not our War Leader urged us to comply. And now I find they’ve been checking up on the answers I gave them! How dare you order them to do that! If a Niojan Officer deigns to answer your foolish security questions, you will take him at his word, not sneak around behind his back!”

  Behind him, Anumaris and Rinderan are looking flustered, obviously unsure how to react to the wrath of this senior officer.

  “Well, you Turanian dog!” continues the Legate. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  I turn to Anumaris Thunderbolt. “Have you finished your background checks on Legate Apiroi?”

  “Not quite, Captain.”

  “Then carry on with them till you have.”

  “What?” The Legate practically explodes with rage. “You dare to insult me, second-in-command to Bishop-General Ritari? I’ll have your head for this!”

  I look him in the eye. “Everyone close to Commander Lisutaris needs to be checked out. No exceptions. Orders from the War Leader herself. If you don’t like it, tough. Maybe you’ve got something to hide?”

  Beside me, Gurd has risen to his feet, ready to come to my aid if the Legate draws his sword and attacks me, which doesn’t seem that unlikely. Apiroi steps forward so his face is almost touching mine.

  “You’ll pay for this insult. A Niojan Legate does not have to answer to a man like you. It’s bad enough our War Leader employs a filthy Orc as a bodyguard without her filling her personal staff with low-born Turanians. I warn you Captain, if the Bishop-General or I are bothered by your Security Unit again, there will be dire consequences.”

  Legate Apiroi glares at me, Anumaris and Rinderan. Having satisfied himself that he’s done enough glaring, he storms off.

  “Touchy fellow,” says Gurd.

  “Niojans are never that friendly.”

  “What should we do?” asks Rinderan.

  “Sit down and have some stew and a jug of wine. Then get back to checking up on him. He’s a suspicious character.”

  “Is that really wise?” Rinderan looks nervous.

  “Wise or not, we’re doing it. No one escapes the attention of my security unit.”

  “What if he attacks us?”

  “You’re sorcerers. You should be safe enough.”

  “Senior Niojan officers have a lot of spell protection,” says Anumaris.

  “Then poke him in the eye with a stick. Now are we going to stand here taking all day or are we going to eat?”

  Tanrose’s stew is one of the finest meals I’ve eaten since I left Turai. She has a way of seasoning and simmering that brings out the best in even the most basic of ingredients. After several large bowlfuls I’m feeling optimistic about our prospects.

  “We’ll chase these Orcs back where they came from.”

  So beneficial is Tanrose’s cooking to my state of mind that I don’t even object when I’m approached by an unfamiliar sorcerer on my way back to my wagon.

  “Captain Thraxas? I’ve been looking for you.”

  “Why? And who are you?”

  “Saabril Clearwater. Medical Sorcerer, first class, from Kamara. Commander Lisutaris assigned me to look after Tirini Snake Smiter.”

  “I see.”

  Saabril Clearwater is around thirty, fair haired and fair skinned. She speaks with a rath
er unusual accent, though one I’ve heard before, from the few Kamaran mercenaries I’ve encountered on my travels. Kamara is a very small nation, a long way west, near Kastlin. Its citizens aren’t often found this far East. I don’t think I’ve ever met a Kamaran Sorcerer before.

  “How is Tirini?”

  “Not very well. Lisutaris thought you might be able to help.”

  I don’t mind the thought of helping Tirini, after she helped Gurd and Tanrose escape from Turai, but I’ve no idea how. If a Medical Sorcerer, First Class, isn’t able to heal her, I’m certainly not going to be able to. Saabril asks me if I’d accompany her to see Tirini, who’s resting up in a small wagon of her own, not far from Lisutaris’s travelling command centre. All around, soldiers and camp followers are finishing off their meals, packing up, and making ready to move.

  “What’s wrong with Tirini?”

  “It’s difficult to say. Making an instant journey through the magic space is very dangerous. You can collide with anything. A sharp object might go through your body or take your head off. Then there are the strange energy fields. Sorcerers think these are responsible for the way the space shifts continually, but we don’t really understand them. Travelling through an energy field just as it changes might have a terrible effect. But really, I don’t know what’s wrong with Tirini. Her body seems healthy enough but she’s not recovering the way she should.”

  By this time we’ve reached the small wagon. I climb in after Saabril. I’m not prepared for the sight that greets me. Tirini, famed for her beauty, fashionable outfits and expensive accessories, looks rather like one of the poor women you might see begging around the docks in Turai. She’s wrapped up in a decent enough blanket but her body seems shrunken. Her face is lined and her eyes are watery. Her hair, previously the brightest blond ever seen at a fashionable party at the Imperial Palace, is lank and dull. Dark roots are showing prominently around her scalp. She wears no jewellery and her feet are encased in a pair of old slippers which she’d rather have died than been seen wearing back in Turai. I’m shocked. She seems to have aged twenty years in the space of a few months. I’m not certain how to greet her. “Hello Tirini,” I venture.